The perfect pairing of two incredible forces;

both of whom help to enrich people’s lives, & bring a sense of peace, calm, prosperity, good health & abundance through the balance & space of crystals & objects in the home.

Kimberley, owner of The Feng Shui Flow & Feng Shui Expert on UK Daytime Show ‘This Morning’,

works with individuals & businesses worldwide, to bring peace, calm & abundance to their lives using the ancient art of Feng Shui, with the aim of absorbing any negative energy, to welcome in good energy, & to help bring in flow & positivity.

Kimberley is hugely well respected globally which has been reflected in the meteoritic rise of all areas of her thriving business.

Meet Mart

Crystal healing played a life changing, positive part in Mart, owner of Canny Crystals own life

as he himself found the enormous benefits after a series personal downward spirals. As a result, Canny Crystals was born, and since launch, has been incredibly well recognised by his ever-increasing community & has worked with many luxury brands including Chanel, Stella McCartney and British Vogue.

The placement of specific crystals within certain areas of the home can help to boost positive energy.

Crystals contain energies which can influence the human body & mind.

They align & heal the body's energy systems from the inside out.

This beautiful Clear Quartz Crystal is known as the “Master Healer”,

is believed to amplify energy & thought, & has been specially selected to emphasise the connection between mind, body & spirit, therefore helping to provide bountiful health benefits.

As Mart says

“I truly believe that the energetic healing I’ve received from working with these crystals, has given me the self-confidence, success, focus and drive to turn my life around, & I can’t wait to see what success stories you have from this beautiful collaboration.”